Friday, July 12, 2013

Kadachakka / Breadfruit Upperi

Breadfruit Thoran
Something that is available at our place so easily but very rare over here. Finally got hold of one, so here's the recipe.
Its not too spicy, but a bit sweet

Ingredients (Serves 2)
Kadachakka - 300 gms cubed
Green chilly - 2
Shallots - 3- 4
Coconut - 1/3 cup
Cury leaves - few
Oil - 2 tbsp
Turmeric - a big pinch
Mustard - 1 tsp
Dry Red Chilly - 3-4
Water - 1/4 cup

The whole cooking can be done in Medium - low heat
Heat oil in a pan and splutter the mustard seeds
Now add the shallots, dry red chilly, green chilly, curry leaves, salt and saute them.
Now add the kadachakka pieces and sprinkle the water and close the pan with a lid
You can add more water later if you feel that the Kadachakka is not cooked.
Keep stirring in between till its almost cooked.
Now add the turmeric and mix it well.
Now add the grated coconut and let it sit for some time
Do a taste test and take it off heat

Serve with Rice and some Spicy Curry

Enjoy Guys!!!


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